
Okayama Chinese buckwheat

Speaking of Okayama of Chinese buckwheat is likely say that it is near from the post-war stalls starting point.
Also remain long-established taste what cases, the unique flavor of the rich flavor and seafood Japanese-style soup of pork bone soup is out brew exquisite flavor to soy sauce.
Taste was frankly yet pig bone soy sauce, noodles corner of standard convergent-divergent would be a royal road of buckwheat Chinese.

The combined soy sauce to traditional bonito, dried sardine, kelp aroma of soup stock to pig bone soup, Chinese noodles of Japanese-style soup of seafood-based pig bone soy sauce. Call people is "Okayama Chinese noodles".
"Bokkeー Ume~eー Chinese buckwheat jar, seen eat Well tut"

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Okayama Chinese noodles, raw 2 meals

Okayama Chinese noodles, raw 2 meals


Noodles small hydrolysis angle noodles narrow of # 22. Soup bonito, anchovy, the body of a pig bone soy sauce to Japanese-style soup of kelp. Taste was frankly yet pig bone soy sauce, noodles standard convergent-divergent corner noodles. Chinese buckwheat that is familiar to everyone after the war that was reproduced to walk eat ramen shop capable of typical matrix of Okayama appeared from Shokuirodori Museum. Bokkeー delicious Chinese noodles jar, and er seen to eat Ma.
Noodles: 100gx2, soup: 50gx2

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[Expiration date] 45 days

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