
The delicious and is a set of ha

Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 products)
Tenpurasoba set

Tenpurasoba set


The ever-popular products that use the alkali ion water sticking noodles and soup in the water.
It is a commitment tempura soba. Flavor and hips is different.
Please relish by all means.
(Expiration date is the date of manufacture, including 5 days)

  • 9999在庫数

Meat noodles set

Meat noodles set


The ever-popular products that use the alkali ion water sticking noodles and soup in the water.
It is a meat noodles commitment. Flavor and hips is different.
Please relish by all means.
(Expiration date is the date of manufacture, including 5 days)

  • 9998在庫数

Noodle with deep-fried tofu set

Noodle with deep-fried tofu set


The ever-popular products that use the alkali ion water sticking noodles and soup in the water.
It is a noodle with deep-fried tofu commitment. Flavor and hips is different.
Please relish by all means.
(Expiration date is the date of manufacture, including 5 days)

  • 10000在庫数

Tempura Udon set

Tempura Udon set


The ever-popular products that use the alkali ion water sticking noodles and soup in the water.
It is a tempura udon of attention. Flavor and hips is different.
Please relish by all means.
(Expiration date is the date of manufacture, including 5 days)

  • 10000在庫数

Pork noodle set

Pork noodle set


The ever-popular products that use the alkali ion water sticking noodles and soup in the water.
It is a commitment pork noodles. Flavor and hips is different.
Please relish by all means.
(Expiration date is the date of manufacture, including 5 days)

  • 9956在庫数

Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 products)